Expert Ear Wax Removal 7 days a week

ClearEar is proud to  to introduce the revolutionary Tympa system. Our clinic utilises this advanced Digital Otoscopy technology, featuring a HD Digital Otoscope that captures high-definition images and videos of the inner ear, offering unparalleled clarity in diagnosis. Our staff are ENT accredited professionals with extensive experience ensuring nothing short of expert care.

Unlike traditional ear syringing (which can often be painful and fail to remove ear wax fully) we offer a gentle microsuctioning technique. A much more patient-friendly method that safely removes ear wax without discomfort used by ENT Specialists globally. Our Hearing Assessment tool  provides comprehensive hearing checks across four frequencies to ensure a thorough evaluation of your hearing health.

Moreover, we ensure the utmost security and convenience in patient care with The Tympa Cloud. This state-of-the-art, cloud-based system securely stores your records, allowing for easy access and sharing without compromising patient privacy.

Our Remote Review capability allows for digital sharing of examinations with ENT specialists, facilitating further expert evaluation if necessary. 

ClearEar are committed to offering a better, more accessible patient experience. Traditionally, ear wax removal, diagnosis and treatment of ear and hearing issues can be inconvenient, prolonged and expensive. ClearEar will always provide expert ear care and safe ear wax removal in a single, efficient 30-minute appointment.