Ear Wax Removal

Need ear wax removal?

Ear wax can be stubborn. While we all produce it, excess ear wax can cause significant discomfort, pain and hearing loss. ClearEar offers microsuction ear wax removal services 7 days a week.

Is ear Cleaning advisable?

Ear wax is part of our immune system. Our ears naturally produce earwax to protect the ears by trapping dust, debris and microorganisms. In most cases it will migrate out of the ear without any intervention. However, ear wax cleaning is advisable if excess wax is causing symptoms or complications.

What happens if ear wax is not removed?

Ignoring build-up of wax can lead to impacted ear wax. This can cause ear discomfort or pain, feeling of fullness in the ears and/or decreased hearing. It is important to seek professional help if you require ear wax removal.

Different approaches to ear cleaning

  • What does microsuction earwax removal involve?

    Microsuction ear wax removal involves a vaccum to gently remove excess wax in the ears. It is essentially a hoover for your ears. At ClearEar we use state of the art equipment that allows us to visualise the entire ear canal at magnified HD quality to remove excess wax safely. Microsuction can be performed if you have a perforated eardrum.  This procedure is carried out by our accredited ENT trained staff.

  • How is ear syringing different

    Ear syringing involves pushing water into the ear canal in the hopes to dislodge excess wax. It is a technique used extensively in the past but now considered outdated. There is an increased risk of incomplete removal, eardrum perforation and infection with syringing. ClearEar does not provide ear syringing services.

  • Ear cleaning at home

    Want to try ear wax removal at home? We have answered your questions on how best to deal with ear wax buildup at home and what to avoid.

Before and After
Ear Wax Removal

What to expect at your ear wax removal appointment at ClearEar

  1. Check in – upon arrival our team will confirm your details and appointment time.

  2. Clinical History - We will perform a thorough clinical history to better understand your current ear health.

  3. Physical Examination – Using micro-otoscopy, headlight or our microscope (each play their own distinct role) our clinician will examine the ears. Any findings will be relayed to you and documented in your patient record.

  4. Ear wax Removal – We will clearly outline the microsuction ear wax removal procedure beforehand. We will show you all the equipment used and what to expect. It is a safe and painless process which gently removes wax. We will communicate at regular intervals during the procedure to ensure you are comfortable throughout.

  5. Visualising your Eardrum – Once the wax is removed, we will examine the eardrum for any signs of inflammation or infection.

  6. Use of additional drops – For stubborn ear wax we can utilise stronger ear wax drops on the day that can aid complete removal.

  7. Remnant Wax – If any ear wax remains, we will advise you on the next steps.

  8. Hearing test – If you feel your hearing is still impaired post earwax removal, we can conduct a hearing test.

  9. 15 minutes – We expect the entire process to take 15 minutes. This can be slightly shorter or longer depending on the wax. Each patient is different.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • The ear is a self-cleaning organ.  Ear wax is produced in the outer third of the ear canal and leaves the ear via migrating skin cells which work their way out from the eardrum at about the same rate as your fingernails grow.  For a small percentage of the population however, ear wax does not remove itself naturally. This  ear wax can then become impacted in the ear canal leading to symptoms. Microsuction ear wax removal is the safest and most efficient method of ear wax removal.

  • Signs of impacted wax can include (but are not limited to):

    • Feeling of fullness

    • Hearing loss

    • Tinnitus­­­

    • Itching

    • Pain

    • Discharge

    • Odour

  • The procedure involves  gentle suction to remove wax impaction.  At ClearEar we use the latest TympaHealth technology allowing a pain free experience. Our technology also allows us to produce high definition images and videos helping you clearly visualise your ear before and after ear wax removal. 

  • There is no water involved in the micro-suction procedure.  This is a dry, pain-free and safer technique for ear wax removal.  Those who have a perforated ear drum or previous ear surgery can only undergo dry microsuction. Ear syringing is not amenable.

  • Yes. Micro-suction is the same gentle, effective and dry technique used by ENT specialists to remove ear wax across the world. The procedure usually takes 5-10 mins. 

  • Very hard impacted wax stuck to the surface of the ear canal can seldomly cause minor bleeding. However, ear wax drops used prior to microsuction significantly decreases the risk of this happening. 

  • You may be more at risk of wax build up if you:

    • Use cotton buds or other objects in your ear

    • Wear hearing aids

    • Regularly use ‘ear bud’ headphones

    • Have narrow, bendy or hairy ear canals

    • Suffer skin conditions such as psoriasis or dermatitis

    • Work in dusty environments

  • Payment is made online through our 'Book an Appointment' feature.

  • ClearEar operates 7 days a week. We offer same day, out of hours, weekend & bank holiday appointments.  Booking is done online through our website. Payment is taken in advance of your appointment. 

  • The procedure is suitable for people with:

    • An overproduction of earwax

    • Perforated ear drums (syringing unsuitable)

    • Problems in the ear canal where syringing is unsuitable

    • Hearing aids

    • Previous ear surgery – you may require a referral back to your ENT specialist

    • Narrow ear canals

    • Curvy ear canals

    • Hairy ear canals

    • Skin conditions like dermatitis or psoriasis

    • Diabetes

  • Preventing symptoms related to wax build up is key to maintaining good ear health. A visit to ClearEar can assist in this process.

  • We see anyone aged 15 or above.

  • For safety reasons, ClearEar does not treat children. We also do not treat anyone who has undergone a mastoidectomy (mastoid surgery) without endorsement via a letter from your ENT specialist or GP. If you are unsure whether you’re eligible for treatment, give our friendly team a call to discuss.

  • We recommend using drops 3 times a day for a week. It is helpful to use  ear wax softening drops five to seven days prior to your appointment to assist with removal unless you have a hole in the eardrum or grommets. Simple, over the counter Cerumol will do just the job!

  • All of the above!! We will always do our best to facilitate patient requests. 

  • No. Some people may experience mild discomfort due to the ‘slurpy’ noise of the suction and during removal of very impacted wax.  Occasionally, mild dizziness may be experienced.  

  • If you have hearing aids it is a good idea to have your ears checked for wax build up every 3-6 months. Hearing aid users are more likely to develop impacted wax which can impede their hearing aid function.

  • Avoid using anything in the ear (e.g. cotton buds, hairpins) as this may push wax further down the canal, worsening symptoms. You may also try chemist softeners, to assist the self-cleaning mechanism of the ear to remove wax. Once a month or fortnight is all that is necessary.

  • You can still attend ClearEar if you have a hole in the ear drum (perforation) or grommets. Unlike ear syringing done at most GPs, our dry technique is perfectly suited to those with ‘non-intact’ eardrums and where ear wax removal via water is unable to be performed. However, it is not suitable to use softening products, including prior to your ClearEar appointment – please skip this step.